Monday, 28 December 2009

Magic Moments...

In my conversations with clients I talk a lot about getting the basics, brilliant and then making those magic moments. Unsurprisingly in many instances clients are focused on the magic moments because it’s all shiny and new and the basics, well surely they look after themselves right?” – Wrong.

A recent example of something that should have been a brilliant basic but made it onto my list of magic moments is the recent email I got from Wired. Now whatever your opinion is of the mag I don’t care. I like it a lot and enjoy getting my copy through the post and spending then next few hours with it. So when they sent me this email

So whilst I’m sitting there cursing the postal service because my copy of NMA or Retail Week may be late, or that thank you card I sent won’t arrive on time, the people at Wired were thinking ‘Oh no, our wonderful subscriber base will not get our shiny lovely new edition on time, and their paper experience of all that is digital may be impacted” so they did something about it. Without a carrier pigeon in sight, or personal delivery, no handing out of free copies at London Bridge tube, just a simple email. That’s all it took. One single email saying, yeah we know but our hands are tied.


And in return for that simple email they gained more brand loyalty from me.

Oddly enough I got home that night and there in it’s white Conde Nast pack was the latest copy….magic indeed.

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