Sunday, 5 July 2009

QR Codes get a stylish makeover

The humble QR code has not taken over here in the UK quite as much as we would have hoped. In Japan, the QR code is so ubiquitous that it is no longer just an advertising tool but they are now being used in places such as on graves. Simply scan the little box of info and get directed to the memorial site of the deceased.

To celebrate the launch of the Marc Jacobs mobile site in Japan, the designer gave them a stylish makeover:

Conversion, conversion, conversion!

I work for EMC Conchango and this week it was announced that we are one of the first partners to be accredited by Google in their new Conversion Professionals program. Not only are we delighted to have been selected after a rigorous process of interviews, exams and more interviews but more importantly we’re delighted that Google has got behind the whole analytics and optimisation piece. As this is a topic close to my heart, and I was involved in the process I'm especially pleased.

Analytics and MVT (multivariate testing testing) are things we have been talking to clients about a lot over the last few years. And while we already provide services in this area it still amazes me that so many organisations overlook these tools – particularly in light of the economic situation we are in.

After all, if it was my website and someone told me that I could increase conversion by 2% – 12% then I’d be very, very interested! The way we talk about it is that not having analytics or MVT in place is akin to not having store managers, footfall counters or clear stock positions in your stores!

To see what Retail Week have to say about it then click here or for the full NMA article here for the full Google Conversion Professional microsite click here or to talk about the services we offer in this area then email us on

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